Outside or indoors, the ferns brighten any room. With the long leaves and leaves, they give a tropical charm to the decor and, best of all: they are easy to care for. Find out how:
1. Sunbathing
Because they do not ask for so much sun, ferns are great options for growing indoors or in the corner of the shady garden most of the time. 
When positioning the  pot or planting, make sure that natural light is not so strong in the area, but also avoid exposing it to cold and wind.
2. Nice climate
Ferns like a mild climate and survive well in the heat. Despite this, it is impossible to avoid the arrival of winter, the most unfavorable season for the plantDuring sudden temperature drops, position it in a place with higher humidity, such as the bathroom.
3. Hydration
Because they are tropical, ferns like water. But attention: the quantities should only leave the soil moist and hydrated. So do not overdo it. The frequency of watering is usually weekly, but the best tip is to observe the consistency of the soil, so as not to leave it too wet or too dry.
4. Fresh soil
Make use of organic fertilizers once a month, so the plant absorbs nutrients well and thrives. Also, apply a water drainage system in the pot to prevent the soil from getting too wet or too dry.
