Dangerous houseplants

It is instructive that when buying plants for the garden, I am interested in whether a particular plant is dangerous to a child or pet in some respect. In the case of houseplants, these issues are less common, although there are dangers among them.

In winter we spend more time in the apartment

As a result, we are closed with our indoor plants. Some people are in danger, but if we are aware of this, it shouldn't be a problem. 
Houseplants can be dangerous in three ways. One of those who can cause mechanical damage, they are those with thorns or spikes. Their advantage is that this source of danger is easily recognizable as it is visible on them. Another group includes allergic reaction triggers and skin irritants. The third group is toxic.
Among those who cause injuries are cacti, some succulents like Agavs, but the leaves of Yucca are sharp and sharp. It can also be dangerous for the spider (Pandanus veitchii) and some other palm species, especially the stiff and sharp leaves. Place them in such a way that they cannot collide with them or stall as we go along and then there will be no problem.
Some of the plants belonging to the family of conifers (Araceae) contain toxic, skin and mucous irritants. These include the species and species of meadow flowers (Dieffenbachia) and crab flowers (Aglaonema). Also included are skin irritant substances in plants of the Euphorbiaceae family, as all species of the family contain milk fluids that contain irritating substances in different concentrations. The popular plant species from the family: the poinsettia (Euphoriba). Because they are irritating to the skin, we can keep them calm, just knowing that if the plant gets wet on your skin, wash it immediately with lukewarm soapy water.
Some people with more sensitive skin may have fashionable primrose and cyclamen in the spring to cause skin problems. There are skin irritants among our garden plants as well as the popular spice, rut. An accident is happening in the garden sooner than in the room, because by touching the routine, we do not see the oil coming from our leaves, which only causes sunburns for several weeks under sunlight. So the room species are less dangerous in this respect because we notice the accident sooner.
Many houseplants with different parts of toxic substances are known. Most of the plants belonging to the genus Solanaceae are poisonous to the berry, but of course there is an exception, because the same family of tomatoes is one of our most popular vegetables. The room lily (Clivia miniata) also draws attention to the poisonous red berries, so keep it in a place where children do not have access to a seductive crop. Plants belonging to the genus Methenes (Apocynaceae) are also considered dangerous. The well-known representative of this family is the leander (Nerium oleander), the dipladia (Dipladéniasanderi) and the badipodium (Pachypodiumlamerei). These plants contain substances that act on the heart, but they need to consume a relatively large amount of it, to have serious consequences. There are not many problems with toxic plants in the room, because if you do not consume it, there is no problem. There has been an example of a child getting poisoned from this, but there is no chance of this, as they have a very bitter taste.
When it comes to suspicion of poisoning, it is most important to get the patient to a doctor soon, and to give information about which species he / she has eaten. The human body also protects against poisoning, so nausea is common. Promote vomiting by drinking water with the patient. But do not give it to milk at all, because it accelerates the absorption of some fat-soluble toxins.
