Recharge your garden and surrounding nature in spring

The first spring herbs are already a club from the soil, which is heated by the sun during the day. And it is the sun's rays and heat radiation that pull the first spring herbs out of the soil. And they have the greatest healing power. They can be found in the gardens and the surrounding area.

What do we think of spring herbs? And when do they begin to grow and bloom? It doesn't matter only the plant species, but also the weather in a particular year. If winter and snow cover extend until April, which is especially possible in high-altitude areas, we will wait. However, many will begin to sprout from the beginning of March if the weather permits them. So which healing herbs are among the first? Stinging nettle, spring primrose, daisy, coltsfoot, lungwort, bear garlic and strange and vine garlic, as well as ivy.
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